Who Knows Where the Time Goes?

Today is a special day. Today is my beloved cat Sweet Pea's 20th birthday! I honestly don't know where the time has gone. It seems like just yesterday she was a tiny ball of fluff. I wish I had taken more photos of her as a kitten but I only have a couple crappy and grainy ones.

I know everyone is prejudiced that their cat is the cutest but she really was the world's cutest kitten.

At 20 she has renal failure, hyperthyroidism, arthritis and saddest of all, complete deafness. I miss calling her name and her softly merring back at me. Because of the hearing loss she will come in to my room in the morning and let out one ungodly howl. I know it is because she can't hear herself but it is unsettling to say the least! My once quiet Pea is now a Siamese howler.

Sweet Pea under the X-mas tree

Anyway, she seems in spite of her old age complaints to still be going strong and is still my lap cat. I know her clock is winding down and my hope is she will just curl up and go to sleep like any other ordinary day. I have had many cats over the years but losing her will hit the hardest. She has been such a constant center in my life that I can't imagine life without her. So,hug you fur baby today and I hope everyone out there will be blessed with such a happy long life with them, like I have been with Sweet Pea. :)

Here is a rerun of a blog that I wrote about Sweet Pea from 2005. At the time I thought at age 17, I had very little time left with her. A year later after this blog she became very ill from a prescription food that was recalled. It was not publicized like the recent pet food fiasco but was a close call for Pea. Somehow she survived that one with a few of her nine lives intact. I am grateful I have had three more years with her and pray that there are still more to come.

07/16/2005 12:00am

I of course got my second wind now that it's after 11:00PM.I took my Melatonin and wait patiently for sleepiness that may or not come in the next thirty minutes.
I mostly hung out with my 17 year old cat Sweet Pea tonight.
I have had Sweet Pea since a kitten. Not just a kitten but days old, kitten.She is the first cat I ever picked out of a litter.
It was April of 1988. A friend asked if I wanted to come with her and pick out a kitten for herself.I already had two cats and wasn't interested in anything but playing with new little kits.
We walked in the room and there in a box were actually two mom cats and two separate litters.There were bundles of felines,darting around everywhere!Not only was this house full of kittens but there were five dogs and several young children running everywhere. The racket was deafening.
The kittens were two weeks apart.Two of the younger kits from the second litter had just opened their eyes.In this litter there were two orange tabbies,one grey tabby,and two fluffy white kittens.One fluffy cat had a tiny black spot on her head and this was one with her eyes open.
I sat on the floor on the other side of the room watching my friend pick which kitten she liked.She liked two from the older litter and was ignoring the funny site I was witnessing.The fluffy, sighted kitten was taking Frankenstein steps across the room and heading straight for me.She was on a mission and none of the chaos of kittens,people,kids or dogs stopped her from walking the miles of carpet,towards me.She finally reached my lap and crawled up into my lap and there she curled up and went to sleep,purring.I had no intention of picking out a kitten.This one obviously picked me.
I guess you know the rest.I waited until Sweet-Pea was eight weeks old and brought her home.
She has moved with me five times and outlasted every male in my life.The moment I sit somewhere and get settled she walks over from wherever she is and curls up on my lap.She's here with me right now,slightly in the way,purring.I used to get irritated when she gets in my lap and I'm trying to do something.I'm treasuring every moment now.
Last week we went to have some blood work done because Pea hasn't been herself.I wasn't surprised to find she's in the beginnings of renal failure.It's what usually happens to older cats.It got my eighteen year old,Kimba four years ago,so I know what to expect.
Seventeen is a blessed old age for a cat.I accept that and I know she still has some good time to go. I'm just wondering how it all goes so quick? I feel like that little fuzzball on a mission for my lap,was just yesterday.
Even at age seventeen, she is still my Baby Sweet Pea.

Song of the Day:Click here to watch 'Sweet-PeaTommy-Rowe'

Warning~ This song will stick in your head for days...or in my case,years.


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