Are You Happy Now?

This is actually a blog I wrote in 2006 from another blog site. I'm just lazy. Have a happy Halloween!
Are You Happy,Now?
How can it be Halloween already? These past couple of months have really been flying. My past blogs where often more stories that usually centered around my ex and my new found single life. I often wonder if I lost my blog mojo by being a little less bitter. I am trying to think back to remember any sad Halloween incidents that would make good reading but alas,I have none.
I was painfully shy as a kid so I do remember not wanting to trick or treat in neighborhoods where I didn't know who was answering the door. This kept my loot on the smaller scale compared to my more daring, older siblings. I also was the kind of kid who couldn't understand why I had to walk in the dark and cold night begging for candy when we had a huge bowl right here in our very own house.
I have fond memories of all the prep at school which included pumpkin carving and making decorations. My one sort of sad memory was a boy that I knew through all twelve years of school and who was one of my best buds. He also happened to be a Jehovah's Witness. He would sit aside from the class during holiday festivities,not being allowed to partake by his religion. I know many schools now observe a harvest holiday as opposed to the traditional Halloween I knew as a child which had included dressing up in costume and eating way too much candy.
This boy and I walked to school together every day and I always saved candy for him after the holiday.The next several days he, his sister and I would eat candy corn,chocolate bars and other assorted Halloween junk on our way to school. It's a wonder any of us have teeth left from that generation!
In those twelve years of walking to school together, we never discussed his family's religious beliefs or how he felt sitting out of Halloween and Christmas activities at school. Now as an adult, I realize how cool children are when they don't know how to be prejudiced or judgemental.
So, I hope everyone has a fun holiday in whatever way you observe it. I for one, am handing out goodies to the kids in the neighborhood and plan to eat way too much myself.
The song of the day is one I was whining that I didn't know how to post this time last year.Please indulge me by clicking on the link to hear the song.
It is a Halloween song that also happens to be one of the funniest break up songs I have heard. You have to love a song that includes the line, "I was amazed to think that you could take the candy with you too." I LMAO every time I hear it. I warn you it is a catchy tune that will stick in your head all day!

Song of the Day: Click here to watch "Are-You-Happy-Now-78"

Lyrics: Are You Happy Now?
You took the toaster when you went
You never paid your half the rent
You took the spices from the rack
But you don't have to put them back
Cause in your haste on Halloween
You left your camera on the bed
Where we played roles in black and white
You left a roll of black and white
I set the timer and thought of you
And put the lens up to my head
I took a photograph for you
What comes out gray is really red
Are you happy now?
I smashed your pumpkin on the floor
The candle flickered at my feet
As goblins flew across the room
The children peered into the room
A cowboy shivered on the porch
As Cinderella checked her watch
A hobo waited in the street
An angel whispered, trick-or-treat
But what was I supposed to do
But to sit there in the dark?
I was amazed to think that you
Could take the candy with you too
Are you happy now?
I've sat all night and now it's dawn
And I cannot believe my eyes
There's garbage strewn across the lawn
Where we once stared up at the sky
And streams of paper fill the tree
That hovered over you and me
Shaving cream covers the car
That we picked up in Baltimore
Though I know it's hard to tell
I hope that what's-his-name treats you well
I still maintain that he's a bum
But it's your money - have some fun
And are you happy now?
You always asked why I had not Written you a verse or two
Since that's the one thing I regret
I dedicate this one for you
Are you happy now?
~ Richard Shindell

Peace All


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