I am suddenly back in love with my home state. We had a glorious snow yesterday. Forecasters were calling for flurries and we ended up with over three inches. It was that fluffy,coat everything, kind of snow. Streets and sidewalks were easily cleared but the brown and grey mud was covered. This morning I watched the sun rise through the trees and turn everything in to diamonds. That is when I love the snow best. The snow actually sparkles in the sun and looks like the world is encased in glitter. I decided that Veritas just might feel the same way about snow as I do. I was right. I saddled him up this morning and took him out for a trail ride. He seemed just as enthralled as I was. There is absolutely nothing better than hacking out in unbroken snow with a horse. Against the white backdrop, you see birds fluttering in the bushes, deer dashing out from the trees, foxes scurrying ahead of you as if to race you to the next bend. The world takes on the muffled song that comes from Veritas clomping on to the blanket of powdered snow. It seems as if nature itself starts dancing to it's beat. The whole time he had his head up and he snorted puffs of steam out in to the frigid air. I could tell he didn't want to miss a single thing and kept looking around. I am just so grateful that through his eyes he has made me once again take notice of my surroundings. Riding 'Tas makes me feel like I am seeing things clearly after waking from a long sleep. After we returned to the barn I looked out across the snow covered fields and heard a song in my head. It seems to describe exactly what today was. It was the day I discovered that no matter how dark it may seem at times, my Light don't sleep.
David Gray is one of those musicians who sounds even better live than in a studio. This is one of my all time favorite songs. Lyrics are amazing.
LOL! I believe David Gray was doing his Joe Cocker/ John Belushi impersonation. He is like that his entire concert. I was exhausted just watching for two hours.
Some of us are lucky to have tough love friends. I actually have a two and they also happen to be married to each other. When Dru's husband called a month ago telling me that they bought my airline ticket and I had to go to Florida with them I am sure my outside friends would think I have incredibly nice friends. While it is true they are incredibly nice and they are very good friends, the ulterior motive was to get me away from what they knew was brewing in to a bad situation. I have spent the past two years of my life numb. I have had my moments of crying and laughing and a steady hum of some form of contentment but when it came to the romance side of life~nothing. Recently, I have found myself spiraling right back in to that pattern. The sad part is that when this happens, I am too numb to see it. Most of my friends buy my crap lines of inner peace and I am happy. Dru, and her husband, are not those friends. "You know this will only come back to bite you down the line....
It's about letting God's light shine through us. It's about a sparkle in people that money can't buy. It's an invisible energy with visible effects. To let go, to just love, is not to fade into the wallpaper. Quite the contrary, it's when we truly become bright. We're letting our own light shine.” ~Marianne Williamson My dear friend Marie sent this my way. It was perfect timing. There is one thing about owning a dog. It forces you to walk through your everyday world and stop to sniff the *insert~ roses, mailboxes, bushes, dead squirrel...* You get the picture. Not much to say since my last blog. I write a lot but it seems only I can understand what I write. A friend had told me about a month ago that a shift was coming. He was right. As always it seems to scare the hell out of me when it is happening. It was one mess up after another. I felt the moment I left the courtroom after Prick's sentencing my heart was permanently broken. Between Jan being sick a...
Anyone who knows me long enough, knows there are two things Evanesco hates more than anything. Liars and the shorter days. Oh, and holidays, which are always referred to as hellidays. If you knew my family or my childhood you would definitely get that. As hard as I tried to not get in that helliday funk, I did. I really tried on Thanksgiving. I was with friends I love. I had a bonding with the friend who hosted it. I walked away that night knowing that once again, I seem to be the only person in the world who thinks that withholding information, is a lie. From my own personal experience, it's the worst of them all. What I didn't expect was to come home to an empty house and the only person who contacted me was an ex who wanted to tell me he was thankful I was always honest with him. Good fer you,buddy. I came home to am empty house on a helliday but I am honest. Good fer me. Is it me, or do I sense I am not getting the truth out of life?
Anyway ... I'm bloppin' by
He is like that his entire concert. I was exhausted just watching for two hours.